Ford’s office made the announcement Monday and said the government is also banning other American companies from provincial contracts going forward
Ford’s office made the announcement Monday and said the government is also banning other American companies from provincial contracts going forward
I wish I was Canadian
I don’t, but that’s mostly because I like having very good Internet access and I’m European.
If I was USian, I’d wish I was Canadian.
What’s your Internet? I’ll you mine if your tell me yours.
I’m gigabit both directions and I could get as high as 3. I’ve heard they are testing 5 some areas. My 1gbit is around 90 of Canadian money. It’s fibre to my apt.
Your prices and speeds are far from what I hear being typical for Canada, but I’m paying 35 euros a month for 500 mbps symmetrical. Gigabit on the website is 73 euros. But that’s because I’m in an apartment built when the local monopoly was putting in fiber. Older buildings that were retrofitted later, as well as buildings that were built later, tend to have more providers available. There’s one that gives you 1 gig for 35 euros for the first year - and I know they’ll be amenable to keeping that arrangement later because you can just threaten to switch and they’ll cave. A third is giving out gigabit at 45 Euros for indefinite periods.
Do keep in mind, Estonia is plagued by a Telia monopoly. Other EU countries tend to have cheaper prices. Romania has so much competition, gigabit up/down is like 8 euros and I don’t think they offer speeds under 300 mbps apparently.
What is with the entire anglosphere being so much worse for internet?
It’s most of the web, and it’s geographically dispersed - other countries with good internet tend to have a language only spoken there so distances are shorter.
So a bit cheaper but speeds sound more or less on par. Do you have to deal with ports being blocked?
A friend got a killer deal on 3gbit/3gbit for 65. I do wonder what his after costs will be like. It was new customer BS.
Buddy of mine was in Romania, he had a killer deal on his internet. Not 8 euro killer but I think it was like 20, But we couldn’t play alot of games together the lag was just to bad :(
I suppose Internet speeds in Canada have really improved then. A decade ago people on reddit calculated that you’d be better off buying an external hard drive and driving to the US if you wanted to download large files in much of Canada. And the US isn’t exactly known for being great for broadband availability either
This is not typical for Canada.
Maybe. But it’s all over the place on the west coast. Even the small towns got it before the bigger ones. One of the ISP has laid down fibre everywhere. And not like to the curb, to the house. Or in my case apt.
It is in cities.
I’ll be honest, my experience is limited, but internet in Calgary is roughly equivalent to that of Los Angeles and is overpriced, but decent. Certainly not gigabits, but ~350/20 for ~$70/mo.
Bell offers 1.5 up/down for 85 in most non remote places in Quebec.
Do you have public free wifi? We have it in cities and every big establishment. Also in some nature areas as well
I’m not sure. I have fast internet at home. And 60gigs of 5g data. And don’t really go places.
I know at one point the town I live in put public free wifi down the main strip. But beyond that no clue. Don’t even know if it’s still there.
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Sucks because my profession doesn’t really exist in Canada, so I can’t bring anything of value if I try to immigrate there.
That’s an interesting statement. Feel free to not answer, but I’m curious what industry you’re in.
I’m a Certified Surgical First Assistant. In Canada they use RNs. I guess I could get my RN, but I’d have to go back to school.
Edit: I worded that poorly. The role exists in Canada, but the actual profession of SFA doesn’t. I could be misinformed, but that’s what I’ve been told.
I see, that is interesting. Thanks!
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So you have like pretty much the same education as an RN, but a different cert?
I can see how that might be frustrating as hell tbh
RNs go through a nursing program (many options and levels of degree), then take an exam for a license. Most RNs I interact with have an associates degree, but many have BSNs and MSNs.
SFAs technically don’t need anything more than a high school diploma. These days, most SFAs are certified by 1 of 2 associations. To be able to take the certification exam, you must complete an FA program (typically 2 years didactics plus about 500 cases). The majority of SFAs started as STs (surgical technoloists). To be an ST, it’s pretty much the same steps. Both of these programs only give a certification. Most STs I’ve interacted with just have a HS diploma, while a good portion these days have an associates degree. Some SFAs have bachelor’s degree and sometimes even a masters.
SFAs have a much more specific role in the medical field. They work strictly in surgery, while RNs have a much larger scope.
Pretty sure they have fluffers in Canada too
How does a profession not exist in Canada? Are you a 3rd party medical markup expert?
Many of us act like Americans from 10 years ago. Be careful what you wish for.