What is the Shutdown 315 Movement?

Edit: Because of the number of negative and discouraging comments that are counterproductive to the message of this post, I have decided to remove select comments that discourage organization. I apologize in advance if your comment is removed inadvertently.

I removed 32 comments.

  • TheBeege@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Here are the demands from the site as of when I accessed it:

    • Protection and permanent guarantee of civil rights for all

    • Total government reform

    • Publicly funded health care

    • Adequate and accessible disability support and services

    • A permanent solution to Homelessness, hunger and the housing crisis

    • Respect and support for tribal Sovereignty and involvement with indigenous leadership for environmental action

    • Enhanced enforcement of constitutional rights

    • More power to american voters

    Personally, I believe these are not specific enough. If I may be so bold, I’ll rewrite them:

    • Improved laws at the municipal, state, and federal levels to include LGBTQ persons as protected classes under anti-discrimination law, including explicit punishments for owners and minimum damages award amounts

    • Replacing district-based voting with proportional representation for representatives at state and federal levels, first-past-the-post voting with either ranked choice voting or approval voting at municipal and state levels, and your state joining or better advertising if already joined the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

    • Single-payer healthcare at the federal level, including coverage of preventative treatment and protection for pre-existing conditions

    • Clarified laws around enforcement of disability support, including failure modes to prevent dropping compliance and punishments scaling to the wealth of the offender, at the state level for physical locations and services and at the federal level for online services

    • Funding and development of government housing and support for the unhoused, including mental health services, training for entering the workforce, training in financial hygiene, and addiction treatment, be it chemical (e.g. drugs) or behavioral (e.g. gambling)

    • Clarified and improved enforcement of laws at the federal level for ensuring the sovereignty and support of indigenous peoples, including environmental protections in line with their beliefs, punishments for private entities including corporations that violate their sovereignty, and failsafes to prevent intentional lack of enforcement by government entities

    • Incorporating government ethical norms into the US Constitution, closing loopholes that enable abuse of power, strengthening ethics review committees’ power to remove individuals using government power unethical, creating federal and state level departmental entities enshrined in law to ensure constitutionally granted rights

    • Explicitly excluding corporations and similar non-individual entities from contributing campaign funds to political candidates, outlawing lobbying, drastically increasing public political campaign funding based on a metric that scales with the economy, further limiting private funding for political campaign funding based on a metric that scales with the economy, defining independent entities for auditing and pursuing legal action against tampering with voting mechanisms including voters registration methods, ballot submission methods, and voter tampering methods - all via constitutional amendment

    People can fix my grammar/typos. Yes, I know more specific demands are more difficult to acquire alignment on from broader audiences, but I think these would be palatable up most Americans.

    However, I am realizing that my points above are too verbose for quick consumption. Via web media, maybe they could be hidden as expandable sections beneath the original bullet points