Forgotten Compositions: How Yuzo Koshiro Relived a Childhood Memory with ‘Terranigma’

Recently, the legendary composer Yuzo Koshiro made an interesting announcement on social media, sharing how he had composed music for Terranigma, but only now remembered it after 28 years.

Today marks the 28th anniversary of Terranigma, and I’ve just remembered that I composed the theme for Beruga’s Laboratory!

Koshiro’s statement is a reminder that prolific game music composers sometimes can’t recall their older works due to the sheer volume of projects they’ve been involved with throughout their careers. Terranigma stands out as it was only released in Japan and PAL territories, which has made the game a rare gem for collectors and enthusiasts.

Interestingly, Koshiro is currently hard at work on Earthion, an upcoming Mega Drive/Genesis action shooter.

What’s your favourite music track from Koshiro?

    • Redkey
      1 month ago

      One of my favorites. I’m so glad that I played it without any guides, so I could find all the little touches on my own.

      Also, if you’ve got the time (or a cheat device), it’s mildly amusing to grind to the maximum level so you can virtually one-shot the final god-like boss after all its posturing.