I know the CEO dug himself a pretty deep hole recently.
I had been meaning to switch all the services I currently use over to proton - but his remarks gave me pause.
Is it still worth considering?
I know the CEO dug himself a pretty deep hole recently.
I had been meaning to switch all the services I currently use over to proton - but his remarks gave me pause.
Is it still worth considering?
Do you have sources for all of this?!
Tired. In auto-pilot mode for the last 3 hours.
Part of it is based on the OpenPGP standard itself, e.g. you only need the passphrase to decrypt your emails, not to encrypt them and certainly not to change your settings.
Part of it is based on experience.
Part of it actually needs a few sources; the Lavabit part is speculative but solid, there are bread crumbs all over the web.
So no sources, noted.
I mean I couldn’t find a lot of the other things but I do know the climate activist one is verifiable.
I found this article that goes more in depth with cooperation with other lawn enforcement agencies.
Good morning Sir,
XD The HOAs are out to get folx
Make no mistake: any company that wants to operate above board, be it a VPN provider, a privacy-focused mail provider or whatever, always has to comply with the local law. If the “local” happens to be an oppressive regime like the US, tough luck… even in Switzerland if their gov forces a company to comply with something they will comply. Proton’s no exception.
I was going to add sources anyway, I’ve only had 3 hours of sleep last night, but you need to understand that we don’t owe you resources. I, for one, don’t know you. I wasn’t talking to you when you approached me with a nominal sentence, and you need to acknowledge that you base your tone on the assumption that I didn’t consent to this conversation.
So of course I’m still considering blocking you. Going this route, you would keep the same entitled, passive-offensive tone.
As rude as it is, people will only adapt to this by drawing boundaries in a more cohesive, efficient way. You need to check your attitude, and to embrace the resource-centric nature of the internet. Improve your tooling.
I am genuinely curious about other sources - I tried to do digging on some but couldn’t verify all the claims. No rush, get some rest and whenever you get a chance I’d love to read / learn more.
👋 kthxbye
Some issues on Proton are widely known, like their CEO’s shenanigans… If you’re gonna claim other less known issues don’t act shocked and surprised (or offended or whatever) when someone asks for evidence.
You’re not obliged to provide such evidence nor am i obliged to believe your BS.
Get some sleep.
You’re missing the point. I will source my post (because I’m a nice and, frankly, jobless person) even tho I was answering to the OP, because this is a public document.
But you’re the one coming out of the wood with baseless claims. Every serious privacy guide claims that you shouldn’t use OpenPGP for opsec, which is well beyond degoogling anyway, so why are you even recommending ProtonMail over cheaper offers like Nubo, Mailo, or any other indie mail provider? Why are you suggesting another data silo in a degoogling community?
I’m not. I don’t really like it myself. I’m just allergic to source-less claims, and you’ve got a lot of them.
Shouldn’t you be asleep? Get some rest.
I wasn’t talking to you. This is none of your business.
Yeah, get some sleep! I too would love to see sources and read up on this, but maybe some other kind soul will elaborate while you rest 👍
Thank you.