Are there some big projects/games that are released and made in bevy?
A lot of times tiny glade is mentioned, but I can not find a reliable source from the devs that it is made in bevy.
They talk about using bevy in this interview (and on Discord).
As far as released stuff go, I know of this git repo which collects some of the projects:
As far as I skimmed the text they used bevy for their prototype not for the release or at least not as a whole.
They use Bevy for ECS and custom rendering with Vulkan. It’s right there in the article:
Anastasia started with Bevy because it was the easiest thing to jump into, and we’re still using a modified version of Bevy to this day
Also mentioned in other places like this presentation:
Depends on what you consider big, but I really enjoyed Tunnet. You can check the page to confirm it was made with Bevy.
I got 7.5 hours out of it and I rushed through it. It’s great if you like open ended problem solving like Zachtronics style games. Not a fan of the horror elements but you can turn them off.