I have a friend who I recently learned is looking to switch to Linux and I offered to help, since I’ve been using Linux for ages. I’m not the most technical user, but in some ways I think that makes me uniquely well suited to be a new person’s guide, and I’m pretty familiar with the install and setup process sans one big thing, proprietary graphics drivers, I’ve generally always been installing Linux on a laptop it an integrated gpu

They let me know they have an nvidia graphics card, I think 30 series if I remember right, we don’t know what DE or distro might be a good fit for them and I told them we’d start by test driving a few, see what they thought of the interfaces, and pick a distro from there

Can you boot and use the OS without installing the proprietary drivers, or do you need to install them via like tty or something? I know nvidia started open sourcing their drivers and some amount is in the kernel now, I assume proprietary drivers are still optimal, if not explicitly necessary?

Any and all advice is welcome, it’s kinda hard to research something this general and get a sense for what the big picture looks like

Thank you!

  • zipsglacier@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Yeah I think that sounds right. The other mentions of Mint here seem particularly suitable for this situation.