what does annoy me (dunno whether it changed after the patch) is that things like legendary sandevistan heatsinks are only available via crafting.
I’ve never used sandy, but now I’m annoyed, too.
Actually, the whole idea of crafting annoys me, especially how it’s implemented in CP2077. I can suspend my disbelief for a while, and accept quickhacking as advanced tech, no problem. But dismantling an ashtray, a pack of condoms and a shotgun, and turning the parts into a leather jacket, while sitting on my bike in the middle of a highway? CDPR, you owe me an explanation.
Such things should be available (at stellar prices) from shady dealers at high enough stats and street cred.
This is the way. I wouldn’t be sad, if this was the only way. It just doesn’t make sense, that some pampered corporat learns, in a matter of days, the skills to build smart rifles and kevlar vests. There apparently are people in NC, who make a living as techie. How is that possible, if acquiring the skills is so easy? Same goes for every smith in Skyrim, etc.
You absolutely should. Reflexes+blades is the usual option, flanked by body and cold blood. Even without the legendary heatsinks you can spend more time inside bullet time than outside, at low levels that’s going to result in a lot of “run in, slash stuff, run to cover before sandy runs out to recharge it” but then there’s also camouflage and your slashing is going to become ever more effective and body is going to make you a bullet sponge so at some point it just ceases to matter whether people have a chance hitting you once in a while.
Gun builds are problematic because bullet time slows down shooting frequency (it doesn’t do that with melee) but I’ve seen people do comrade hammer’s builds. If you want maximum damage output for crowd control at decent range there’s monowire which uses the same skill tree as katanas. The katana is to avoid excessive collateral damage as well as for style, and then of course knife headshots.
I’ve never used sandy, but now I’m annoyed, too.
Actually, the whole idea of crafting annoys me, especially how it’s implemented in CP2077. I can suspend my disbelief for a while, and accept quickhacking as advanced tech, no problem. But dismantling an ashtray, a pack of condoms and a shotgun, and turning the parts into a leather jacket, while sitting on my bike in the middle of a highway? CDPR, you owe me an explanation.
This is the way. I wouldn’t be sad, if this was the only way. It just doesn’t make sense, that some pampered corporat learns, in a matter of days, the skills to build smart rifles and kevlar vests. There apparently are people in NC, who make a living as techie. How is that possible, if acquiring the skills is so easy? Same goes for every smith in Skyrim, etc.
You absolutely should. Reflexes+blades is the usual option, flanked by body and cold blood. Even without the legendary heatsinks you can spend more time inside bullet time than outside, at low levels that’s going to result in a lot of “run in, slash stuff, run to cover before sandy runs out to recharge it” but then there’s also camouflage and your slashing is going to become ever more effective and body is going to make you a bullet sponge so at some point it just ceases to matter whether people have a chance hitting you once in a while.
Gun builds are problematic because bullet time slows down shooting frequency (it doesn’t do that with melee) but I’ve seen people do comrade hammer’s builds. If you want maximum damage output for crowd control at decent range there’s monowire which uses the same skill tree as katanas. The katana is to avoid excessive collateral damage as well as for style, and then of course knife headshots.
I just might, maybe after I finish the current playthrough. Collecting achievements is a job for plague runner.
Although I probably should play it once before the update hits. Then I can join the complain-train, when the new mechanics ruin everything /s