“AI” autocomplete in @jetbrains IDEs is worse than a useless
its like an interruption machine with every keypress
I hate it so much and have to hunt through settings to kill it
I haven’t touched the AI auto complete, but the one that annoys me is when writing in a text file, and you press
to end a sentence, and it decides to start suggesting auto completes.@CameronDev its like the worlds shittiest magician constantly smashing cymbals in your face yelling “IS THIS YOUR CARD” every time you touch a key
Yeah, but think of the efficiency when it does finally guess your card!
The non AI one doesn’t bother me, I assumed the AI one was the same, but better guesses.
I turned it off after spending a lot of key presses and mouse movement to dismiss random suggestions. But, I found out that some features that I need, like syntax highlighting and navigation in the document, will have bugs if I turn AI all the way off. So eventually I checked do not auto complete ( at all) unless told to do so.
I think the older versions definitely work better in some ways