At what point does From start getting good? I’ve watched a few episodes (it’s too scary for the old lady so I can only watch it alone at night) but even when I don’t watch it for a while I feel like I could stop and not regret finishing it.
Good meaning what? I. Just finished season 2 and I fully expect another Lost at this point - engaging, always hinting at a resolution, but never delivering.
Barry, Dominion, From
At what point does From start getting good? I’ve watched a few episodes (it’s too scary for the old lady so I can only watch it alone at night) but even when I don’t watch it for a while I feel like I could stop and not regret finishing it.
Might not be your cup of tea. I don’t remember when exactly, but when they delve a bit more into the monsters. Season 2 for sure.
It’s got a very Lost vibe, I really dig it.
Good meaning what? I. Just finished season 2 and I fully expect another Lost at this point - engaging, always hinting at a resolution, but never delivering.