Meanwhile, kid me had a huge crush on our regular babysitter, and I used to go out of my way to be as nice to her as I could.
Did it work out?
Just going to edit in a /j
Obviously not.
Pre-pubescent kids announce they love someone all the time, no adult or near-adult takes it seriously, nor should they.
And I was not the type of kid to say it aloud in the first place.
I was over it before I realized that the last time she’d visit had passed.
Probably because kids haven’t figured out relationship nuance yet, and thus can equate all non-familial love with romantic one.
And they’re kids. Kids don’t typically comprehend the significance of romantic attraction between people, or concepts like marriage, until at least their teens. And even then are likely working off a very basic understanding of what a commited relationship involves.
Marriage to a nine-year-old might just mean being together forever. But being together forver is a much simpler thing in the mind of a nine-year-old, than in the mind of an adult.
i love how the rosalyn arc ended with calvin and her genuinely bonding over calvinball. it’s so wholesome. <3
Ooh, is this the first appearance of Rosalyn?