People throw this terminology around too lightly. If you truly lived in a fascist dictatorship you wouldn’t say a word about it as you and those around you would be taken off at gunpoint never to be seen again. Either deleted or placed in some labor camp until you expired.
The term fascist dictatorship is subjective. I’m not going to have a silly argument about what it means to you and how that differs from what it means to me.
People throw this terminology around too lightly. If you truly lived in a fascist dictatorship you wouldn’t say a word about it as you and those around you would be taken off at gunpoint never to be seen again. Either deleted or placed in some labor camp until you expired.
That’s subjective.
Really? Name an actual fascist dictatorship where that is not the case.
The term fascist dictatorship is subjective. I’m not going to have a silly argument about what it means to you and how that differs from what it means to me.