What’s the consequences for making an illegal citizens arrest?
Can a citizen arrest a citizen performing an illegal citizens arrest? Who arrests the citizen illegally arresting a citizen arresting another citizen?
“It’s not worth getting hurt, or even killed, for a few dollars or some cigarettes,” he said.
He makes a good point here, police get assaulted and they are expecting to deal with these situations.
He said police officers are highly trained and equipped to deal with criminals, however, they still suffer assaults.
Reduce poverty and improve the lives of people, we can’t punish our way out of crime.
He said the crimes that would fall under these changes are primarily crimes of poverty, particularly, carried out by children.
The police are supposedly trained to deal with possibly violent altercations. It’s not fair to put that burden on the common citizen.
Who wants to go arrest some shady looking dudes hanging around the parliamentary parking garages and vaping?
So a vigilante system with government encouragement.
This will not end well, retail workers are not police!
Doesn’t have to be retail. The law says any criminal code being broken. You could arrest people for all kinds of things, for example public drunkenness.
Its not as if NZ has recent history with a citizen’s detention that some would argue was ‘justifiable’ escalating to having someone’s fingers lopped off.
Combine this possibility for escalated violence, with private surveillance and pseudo-justice from Auror and its a recipe for disaster.
Steal from shop, you get sentenced ; steal from the government, you get rich.
I bet if you read the law you’d be able to arrest people for all kinds of things.
I imagine people getting arrested for playing music too loud, walking their dog off leash, parking on the verge etc.
I’m keen to find out how these laws work in collaboration with your other post on Māori getting endlessly stopped when leaving shops.
I also love it when the government introduces laws to help certain groups (in this case retailers), when those same groups say it won’t help and they won’t use it. Sometimes I wonder if looking like they are doing something while doing nothing is this government’s MO.
The way the law is written doesn’t mention retailers. It literally says anybody can arrest anybody who is breaking any criminal code.
It’s bizarre.
Destiny put out a statement they are going to start arresting people.