How to make any cloud provider end-to-end-encrypted with Cryptomator, a free and open source E2EE tool. With Cryptomator you can make Dropbox, iCloud, Google Drive, or really any other cloud provid...
Probably true, but as long as that hypothetical cracking method isn’t really easy, fast and cheap on resources, as long as enough people encrypt, they will have to choose what to decrypt and what not. Really, the best solution is [email protected]
i feel like they would totally decrypt everything as soon as some sort of cracking method for it comes around
They could, and one should assume that they will, but I do not think they would. It’s. Way more illegal than the spying they are already doing.
Afaik accessing information you know you are not supposed to access is illegal and clearly defined. They usually walk the gray area
i don’t think they particularly care about legality these days.
If they didn’t, they would use the passwords they store, log in into banks and take all of your money.
They walk gray areas, or maybe slightly illegal hard to prove things
Probably true, but as long as that hypothetical cracking method isn’t really easy, fast and cheap on resources, as long as enough people encrypt, they will have to choose what to decrypt and what not. Really, the best solution is [email protected]
i currently selfhost my backups but would love to have something on the cloud in case something happens.