Just start going to their house
“Everyone is yelling and mad at us! Let’s just not speak in public anymore, it’s just too uncomfortable when they don’t like what I’m doing to their lives”
It worked for Biden
When did Biden try to overthrow our constitution to replace it with a bunch of filthy fucking nazis?
He did a genocide and was too afraid of criticism to go to rallies because meanies who value Arab lives would yell at him to stop killing them.
He then failed to drop out of the race in time for a primary. He is a major reason we have a nazi problem now. Him and all the fucking Dems that are refusing to do anything about the Nazi problem.
Just putting it out there that the UN is mainly a place to air grievances to avoid war.
Cause when you don’t have the ability to air grievances, people tend to become more extreme.
“instead of getting yelled at, try just not listening”
Poor guys. They have to sleep in that bed? Who the hell made that bed?
If they don’t want to come to you to hear what you have to say, go to them and make them hear you.
That sounds like a SMART Decision! After all it’s not like Ignoring your Republican Constituents is going to make them NOT vote for you!
I don’t think they are planning to need votes anymore.