Nah I’m sorry. There is a point where it’s unreasonable to expect someone to learn something, but that isn’t it.
Using yt-dlp is extremely straightforward.
Being ignorant and proud of it is a horrid personality trait. The average person knows how to drive a car, how to call others using their phone and how to use an ATM.
Typing 7 characters and copy-pasting a link is well within their abilities.
Anyone who’s done “/gamemode creative” is smart enough to figure out “yt-dlp <url>”. Seriously people need to stop acting like typing the most basic commands that you can find tutorials about is some kinda level 9 magic
I was surprised at how well it works but anything command line is not for normies
Nah I’m sorry. There is a point where it’s unreasonable to expect someone to learn something, but that isn’t it.
Using yt-dlp is extremely straightforward.
Being ignorant and proud of it is a horrid personality trait. The average person knows how to drive a car, how to call others using their phone and how to use an ATM.
Typing 7 characters and copy-pasting a link is well within their abilities.
I agree with the sentiment but you are going way too hard on it. Chill.
Anyone who’s done “/gamemode creative” is smart enough to figure out “yt-dlp <url>”. Seriously people need to stop acting like typing the most basic commands that you can find tutorials about is some kinda level 9 magic
I think you’ve defined the problem rather well there…
It’s not that Normies couldn’t use it, it’s that Normies won’t use it.
Thats why I run it in docker with a web ui (On my server behind a reverse proxy, so I could get HTTPS working)
Shut up, im not a nerd
If you are on an android phone you should check the F-Droid pages for Seal. No commandline, a nice GUI, works great.
+1 for Seal, Newpipe and Tubular both work fine too
There’s GUIs for it though. Obviously not for everyone, but I made my own.
That it can download virtually from any site is pretty useful, assuming you know what to give it.