the pipeline from Nazi to mansplaining arch user is very short
Why are people downvoting this? Some kind of elitist behavior? “Oh no, nOrMie is posing with linUx”
Or is it something that I don’t know?
Pewdiepie is a Nazi.
People say he’s Nazi because he laughed at a video of these Indian kids holding a sign that said heil Hitler. People say he paid them on Fiverr to write that but he didn’t… And the reason he laughed was because the kids didn’t know what it said because they were Indian they did not speak English so they had no idea the sign said that and that’s what made it funny. But take it out of context make a few articles add in a couple leftist with no brain cells then boom PewDiePie is a Nazi is the new thing.
Edit: before someone else brings it up a lot of people say he was in the Nazi uniform it wasn’t a Nazi uniform you can Google it I forget what uniform it was but it wasn’t a Nazi one
“he paid them on Fiver […] but he didn’t”. He did. He was commissioning many artists on that platform to say vile shit to “test the limits”. He mentioned a lot of them turned him down, expect the two kids.
The sign said “Death to all Jews”, by the way.
There’s a re-upload of this video here:, the scene in question is at 11:28.
And if I remember correctly, those two who took his commission got booted off Fiverr
That is indeed very funny.
Y’all can stay mad at everything.
People are insane. They just want someone to hate on to say they are better.
That’s the way of Lemmy, downvotes without commenting.
I’m really getting tired of this.
Nazis still deserve punches.
this will help arch get less popular mabye
Hahaha the hook has been set! Soon he shall be one of us… soon…