I’m curious what kind of project you are working on? I’m working on a procedural terrain generation open world game! Now it’s your turn to tell me!
I’m curious what kind of project you are working on? I’m working on a procedural terrain generation open world game! Now it’s your turn to tell me!
Currently working on The Next Big Thing™️ in the Linux community.
Free tech tip: turn off auto updates on your servers so that you always run proven and stable software :3c
I have to appreciate linux and the people who actually make changes in open source code.
Oh god, round two already?
Jia Tan was the username used by a group — probably a state intelligence agency — on GitHub to try to attack the xz open source package. The effort aimed at trying to take over the project, and lasted for years. They managed to get a compromised package briefly into the unstable versions of some major Linux distros that created a backdoor in the openssh daemon and came close to being widely deployed across Linux servers, which would have been a very severe compromise of a huge range of systems. The account vanished when the compromise was discovered.
The user here is, as a joke, using the same name.
When they said they were “working on the next big thing in linux”, the tip and the username they have, i thought:
Oh, I thought you were calling me out for spam because I posted yesterday or two days ago.
Uuhhhh… 👀 yeah… two