If they could stop capitalizing every word that could even remotely be a name, that’d be swell. It capitalizes shit like “mark” in the middle of a sentence, for example. So often. And many, many other words, too. It’s maddening!
I switched to FUTO, and it does the same thing since it’s based on the same core code. FUTO has pretty good on-device speech-to-text which is nice.
However, FUTO is much worse at detecting the accidental press of “n” instead of spacebar. Gboard usually figures it out. FUTO usually corrects it to random words. Or not at all.
The N thing gets me too - it seems to be within the last couple years that it’s been an issue for me. I just chalked it up to the ergonomics of big phones, but now I’m wondering if there might be a software component. Like I don’t remember it being a problem at all in the past, but now I gotta be super careful with my typing to notndonthisnallnthentime
I just wish there were a keyboard that let me set a custom key layout. I would put huge padding between Space and the letters, and also between M and backspace. I can’t count how many times I wrote a word and hit backspace instead of M and got some garbage word in my message. Like turning “take my” into Takey. WTF is Takey? And why did FUTO capiliaze it for me? I’m surprised Takey was an actual word. I was trying to find an example where it autocorrected into something entirely different.
If they could stop capitalizing every word that could even remotely be a name, that’d be swell. It capitalizes shit like “mark” in the middle of a sentence, for example. So often. And many, many other words, too. It’s maddening!
I switched to FUTO, and it does the same thing since it’s based on the same core code. FUTO has pretty good on-device speech-to-text which is nice.
However, FUTO is much worse at detecting the accidental press of “n” instead of spacebar. Gboard usually figures it out. FUTO usually corrects it to random words. Or not at all.
The N thing gets me too - it seems to be within the last couple years that it’s been an issue for me. I just chalked it up to the ergonomics of big phones, but now I’m wondering if there might be a software component. Like I don’t remember it being a problem at all in the past, but now I gotta be super careful with my typing to notndonthisnallnthentime
I just wish there were a keyboard that let me set a custom key layout. I would put huge padding between Space and the letters, and also between M and backspace. I can’t count how many times I wrote a word and hit backspace instead of M and got some garbage word in my message. Like turning “take my” into Takey. WTF is Takey? And why did FUTO capiliaze it for me? I’m surprised Takey was an actual word. I was trying to find an example where it autocorrected into something entirely different.