The term prepping can be applied on several levels and means a different thing to different people. From an US American context with broader landscapes, sparse population and fragile delivery routes, to Europan countries with dense population where help seems to be nearby in hours.

Each individual needs to assess their situation and the personal risks for themselves. As a result of that risk assessment people should come up with plans and prepare their techniques and environment accordingly. 
Always having in mind that these topics can lead to a rabbit hole everyone has to decide about the sane and proper level of preparedness. Some might be fine with a bottle of water and a blanket in their car, others might want to prep a whole Get Home Bag to make it through more challenging terrain.

In this post we try to collect some information on where to get started.

If you have noteworthy sources, feel free to share them. The post will be updated over time.



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    14 days ago

    Yeah, there may be things in it that are… Perhaps not meant for distribution. I’m conflicted, because as much as I’m not all “yay, piracy” (at least when said property is readily available for a reasonable cost), if there’s a situation where things do collapse, schools and education is still going to be important. Not just K-12, but more advanced higher education. Libraries may end up being raided and having their contents burnt by morons looking to stay warm in the winter, and I don’t have nearly enough physical space to hold even a tiny portion of the digitized books.