Never go to the magic kingdom. Went last year… The crowds were crazy, you MUST sign up and use their fast pass phone app to get on any rides if you’re lucky… Waiting in line without it takes 2 hours per ride. I got on 4 rides because of this, and was outright denied from getting on popular rides…fast pass app users only. And there are only so many fast pass slots… People literally walked around hitting refreshing their phone all day hoping for a slot to open
Never go to the magic kingdom. Went last year… The crowds were crazy, you MUST sign up and use their fast pass phone app to get on any rides if you’re lucky… Waiting in line without it takes 2 hours per ride. I got on 4 rides because of this, and was outright denied from getting on popular rides…fast pass app users only. And there are only so many fast pass slots… People literally walked around hitting refreshing their phone all day hoping for a slot to open
It sucked, don’t come here
The Japan one is far better than the American ones anyway. Highly recommended.