It got 100,000 signatures in its first 11 days. I know quite a few of people on the fediverse are fed up of seeing bot posts about violence against musk cars to distract people from the real problems, so do something that will make a change. But you’ll also need to help others who feel the same and who aren’t around here.
The first time around, there were millions of signatures on the petition so you’ll need to help spread the word about the website. Tell your neighbourhood, your friends and family, work colleagues, and if you’re out and hear people moaning, tell them about it.
Maybe someone can make a separate post to brainstorm ideas? The instance I’m currently on has very few political channels, so maybe you can re-post this elsewhere.
I think it’s too early to tell but right now it’s not looking good. That said, most presidents and their party benefit from a honeymoon period which we are still in.
That’s waht worries me…I’m hoping we can at least get house majority…I’d sell my soul to fuck over the right rn lol
If this is the honeymoon, what the hell is the abusive marriage going to look like?
I think it’s fair to say, the honeymoon has long since passed. Has any other president been pulled infront of judges so many times for their actions in such a short space of time?
His approval rating only just went negative recently. I’m embarrassed to report that.
Too early to tell? Did we already miss the last one?? HOW MANY YEARS HAS IT BEEN SINCE TRUMP WAS ELECTED???
For elections in two years? Yeah a lot can happen in that time. I didn’t mention weeks so I’m not sure what you mean by that.
It’s a comment on how these past couple of months have felt like years
Oh I gotcha. Yeah, not prepared for another 1300ish days of this bullshit