What I love about this show is despite the outrageous plots and never ending problems, it still had value in it.

Out of all the themes and lessons tackled in the series, what was the one that stuck with you the most?

For me, its that “evil isn’t born, its made”.

This has been a constant with almost every villain. Regina and Rumple most especially. It was important to show that some of the people who enact terror were once good too- most of the time, victims.

It doesn’t justify all of their actions later on but on some level, it shows what could happen if someone in the dark isn’t guided, shown hope, or offered help by those capable.

Kind of what happens in real life too.

As a bonus, never underestimate someone’s anger.

A small thing to you, could be their entire life to them.

We don’t know if it’s their final straw, so it’s important to be kind as much as we can.