Idk if it’s European, but there’s also Sygic Maps
Fan-Made, think along the lines of AVPM, but not made by Starkid Productions.
You can do as many as you want.
Welcome, also there is a link to the Community in the post, just FYI.
Im honestly surprised that nobody has ever considered using Matrix to potentially create a Discord clone that runs off of Matrix.
Is it just me, or does anyone else think that diagonlemmy feels somewhat dead?
Like, all of the posts only have one upvote, and the whole community just doesn’t feel very active, at least IMO.
I actually originally applied for an account on leaky_cauldron, but I never got a response back, so instead I decided to make one on Literature.Cafe
I completely understand where you’re coming from.
I happen to be Queer myself (MtF, Pansexual, although all of my life, I have been forced to present as Male.)
Where I am coming from is:
1.) As the other commenter mentioned, there’s no monetary value for JKR for there to be HP-Themed communities.
2.) By making Fics, “non-canon” pairings, Fan-Art, etc., YOU control the initiative.
I.e, you want Harry to be gay, make him gay, want him to be trans, BAM!, now he’s Trans.
You can make him Gay /Straight/Black/White/Fat/Slim/Good/Evil/etc.
Same thing with all of the other characters.
Don’t let JKR win by ruining it for you.
3.) It’s not like I set up a requirement that everyone who joins has to donate to a gofundme for JKR, Joining and participating is COMPLETELY free.
IDK, just my two cents.
Would you like for me to mod this account, and then later on you could potentially mod yourself if you ever decide to make a Literature. Cafe Account?
That’s just your opinion, though.
Plenty of other people like it.
Thank you
I guess, I was just mostly basing these communities off of their respective subreddits.