Incorrect. The earth is sick, infected with a particularly nasty strain of the Human virus. The fever may take a while to kill the infection, and may take a few species with it, but temperatures rise, and rise.
This is fascist talk. Humans can and have co-habitated with the ecology of the earth for as long as there’s been hominids, except for the last 300-150 years or so. Let me ask you: what changed?
Incorrect. The earth is sick, infected with a particularly nasty strain of the Human virus. The fever may take a while to kill the infection, and may take a few species with it, but temperatures rise, and rise.
This is fascist talk. Humans can and have co-habitated with the ecology of the earth for as long as there’s been hominids, except for the last 300-150 years or so. Let me ask you: what changed?
This made me laugh and be sad at the same time…