Currently playing through the game so that was unexpected. Spoilerfree
The good:
(Really good) Faster loading times
More gfx options
Free outfits from founder edition
More missions apparently (still going through the base game so idk)
The bad:
Lip sync is still broken in engine cinematic
The ugly:
You now have to sign EULA
Menu ad for Alan Wake 2 and DLCs
I get it, it’s 2025 but 2 days ago I was praising the game to a friend about how player friendly the game was and how it felt like a game and not an app.
Currently playing through the game so that was unexpected. Spoilerfree The good:
The bad:
The ugly:
I get it, it’s 2025 but 2 days ago I was praising the game to a friend about how player friendly the game was and how it felt like a game and not an app.