How often do you buy groceries?

What types of things do you consider “essential”?

Do you make a list when you go shopping, or just have an idea of what you need?

Do you do one big trip all at once, or do you pick up just enough to make what you’re eating that night/the next day?

  • Tja
    14 hours ago

    A mix of pre-planned list if we ran out of something or we want to cook something specific and in-shop decisions seeing what’s on promotion that week or what’s close to the expiration date and discounted a bit more.

    We try to have like 3 servings of meat per week, and a constant stock of tomatoes, onions, garlic and lettuce and two other veggies (depending on what’s cheap that week: pepper, broccoli, zucchini, eggplant, potatoes).

    For dinner we usually try to stock: Bread, 3 types of sliced cheese (a cheap “mix”, a cheddar and something fancy like a Camembert or Gorgonzola), and 3 types of cold cuts (prosciutto, krustenbraten, salami, chorizo, Mett, etc).

    We keep a big stock of UHT Milk, pasta and rice, and restock when there’s a promo or we run below 2 weeks of supply. Some lazy food like frozen Pizzas or ramen always needs to be available.

    We buy eggs every two weeks from a local farmer.

    Usually one big trip a week with short visits on a need-to basis if run out of something mid week.