While this linear model’s overall predictive accuracy barely outperformed random guessing,
I was tempted to write this up for Pivot but fuck giving that blog any sort of publicity.
the rest of the site is a stupendous assortment of a very small field of focus that made this ideal for sneerclub and not just techtakes
That’s not really a sentence that should begin with “While”, now, is it?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
bouba/kiki prison industrial complex
the blog tagline is “Dysgenics, forecasting, machine learning, sociology, physiognomy, IQ, simulations”, so he tells us straight up what’s wrong with him
I hate being reminded that besides phrenology physiognomy is also a thing.
The implication here that it isnt methodically flawed is quite something.
E: and I don’t have the inclination for to do the math, but a 97% accuracy seems to be on the unusable side considering the rate of ‘criminals’ vs not-criminals in the population. (Yeah, see also ‘wtf even is a criminal’).
about 3 in 100 americans are in prison, on parole, etc. so if that’s the definition of a criminal, you would get 97% accuracy by just guessing not criminal every time
Also an extremely good false positive rate
Racist ideology predicted by a degenerated frontal lobe!
It’s not related to their skull shape, they just have brain damage.