This would be equivalent of not letting under-14s into libraries or read anything practically for that matter in 1900s. Phones are not just used for social media or gaming, you are limiting the conversation abilities, accessibility of information, and freedom
phones are made for mindless media consumption. just look at the home screen of a factory resetted phone. facebook, instagram, tiktok, and other literal garbage too is not just installed, but pinned to the home screen by default
This would be equivalent of not letting under-14s into libraries or read anything practically for that matter in 1900s. Phones are not just used for social media or gaming, you are limiting the conversation abilities, accessibility of information, and freedom
Luckily they’re not banning tablets or laptops or tethering or even WiFi. Early teens should figure all that out in a jiffy.
phones are made for mindless media consumption. just look at the home screen of a factory resetted phone. facebook, instagram, tiktok, and other literal garbage too is not just installed, but pinned to the home screen by default