Really hating all the crap being put into VS code and want a switch.

Im mostly working in C and some Python/Lua and just want to know if I can get parameter hints the same way I do in VS code. It’s a bummer to have to peek at the docs every time I forget what parameters something takes.

I like lightweight programs so Kate is my first thought but if it does t I’ll just go to Kdevelop. Currently using Geany for my really small projects or tests.

Bonus question, if I’m using raylib for game dev, how would those hints work (if at all) in Kate? If Kate is using an LSP for autocompletion, how would that work for a library like Raylib? Sorry I’ve never actually considered this all before now!

Thanks all

  • SeeFernsOP
    3 天前

    Oh definitely, if Kate doesn’t work or is too much of a pain I’ll probably just use Kdevelop instead. It’s just Kate with extras right? I ask about Kate because I like to use lighter programs as much as possible. My computer isn’t a total powerhouse or anything lol.