My beloved T420’s bezels are coming apart at the hinge. This has already happened once—I glued the plastic back together—but now is a very inconvenient time for it to happen again. So I’m thinking of upgrading.

For me, the most important factors are:

  1. Portability - I have to carry my laptop with me on a nearly daily basis.
  2. Linux support.
  3. A good keyboard, preferably without the numpad.
  4. An HDMI port.
  5. Good battery life (~5 hours with active use should be plenty but more is welcome).

I’m thinking of going with the 8th generation X1 carbon but I’d like to hear your opinion.

    19 hours ago

    Oh hmm maybe. I will agree that the x220 battery runtime wasn’t great, but it’s a computer not a phone. I’m either checking an email (short runtime is fine) or e.g. hacking code all day (need ac adapter). And at least the battery is easily swappable unlike newer models with sealed batteries. But yes sure, there are good deals on t480 and even newer machines, so shop around.