The other day I realised something cursed, and maybe it’s obvious but if you didn’t think of it either, I now have to further ruin the world for you too.

Do you know how Google took a nosedive some three-four years ago when managers decided that retention matters more for engagement than user success and, as this process continued, all the results are now so vague and corporatey as to make many searches downright unusable? The way that your keywords are now only vague suggestions at best?

And do you know how that downward spiral got even worse after “AI” took off, not only because the Internet is now drowning in signal-shaped noise, not only because of the “AI snippets” that I’m told USA folk are forced to see, but because tech companies have bought into their own scam and started to use “AI” technology internally, with the effect of an overnight qualitative downstep in accuracy, speed, and resource usage?

So. imagine what this all looks like for the people who have substituted the search bar by the “AI” chatbot.

You search something in Google, say, “arrow materials designs Amazonian peoples”. You only get fluff articles, clickbait news, videogame wikis, and a ton of identical “AI” noise articles barely connected to the keywords. No depth no details no info. Very frustrating experience.

You ask ChatGPT or Google Gemini or Duck.AI, as if it was a person, as if it had any idea what it’s saying: What were the arrows of Amazonian cultures made of? What type of designs did they use? Can you compare arrows from different peoples? How did they change over time, are today’s arrows different?

The bot happily responds in a wise, knowledgeable tone, weaving fiction into fact and conjecture into truth. Where it doesn’t know something it just makes up an answer-shaped string of words. If you use an academese tone it will respond in a convincing pastiche of a journal article, and even link to references, though if you read the references they don’t say what they’re claimed to say but who ever checks that? And if you speak like a question-and-answer section it will respond like a geography magazine, and if you ask in a casual tone it will chat like your old buddy; like a succubus it will adapt to what you need it to be, all the while draining all the fluids you need to live.

From your point of view you had a great experience. no irrelevant results, no intrusive suggestion boxes, no spam articles; just you and the wise oracle who answered exactly what you wanted. Sometimes the bot says it doesn’t know the answer, but you just ask again with different words (“prompt engineering”) and a full answer comes. You compare that experience to the broken search bar. “Wow this is so much better!”

And sure, sometimes you find out an answer was fake, but what did you expect, perfection? It’s a new technology and already so impressive, soon¹ they will fix the hallucination problem. It’s my own dang fault for being lazy and not double-checking, haha, I’ll be more careful next time.²
(1: never.)
(2: never.)

Imagine growing up with this. You’ve never even seen search bars that work. From your point of view, “AI” is just superior. You see some cool youtuber you like make a 45min detailed analysis of why “AI” does not and cannot ever work, and you’re confused: it’s already useful for me, though?

Like saying Marconi the mafia don already helped with my shop, what do you mean extortion? Mr Marconi is already beneficial to me? Why he even protected me from those thugs…

Meanwhile, from the point of view of the souless ghouls at Google? Engagement was atrocious when we had search bars that worked. People click the top result and are off their merry way, already out of the site. The search bar that doesn’t work is a great improvement, it makes them hang around and click many more things for several minutes, number go up, ad opportunities, great success. And Gemini? whoa. So much user engagement out of Gemini. And how will Ublock Origin ever manage to block Gemini ads when we start monetising it by subtly recommending this or that product seamlessly within the answer text…

    6 days ago

    I think you’re absolutely correct, and this feels to me like the only reason why we’re seeing some of the bizarre shit we’ve been keeping an eye on:

    • several old forums, all of which are unique high-quality data sources, are being polluted by their own admins with backdated LLM-generated answers. this destroys that forum as a trustworthy data source and removes it as competition for the LLM that already scraped the forum — and, as a bonus, it also makes training a future LLM on that data source utterly impractical without risking model collapse.
    • Wikipedia refuses to compromise on quality in general, so it’s under increasing political pressure to change. the game here is to shut down or pollute the original data source by any means necessary, so that the only way to access that data becomes an LLM. the people behind the AI startups are experts at creating monopolies, and shutting down a world-class data source like Wikipedia or making it otherwise unusable would guarantee a monopoly position for them.
      5 days ago

      several old forums, […] are being polluted by their own admins with backdated LLM-generated answers.

      I’ve only heard about one specific physics forum. Are you telling me more than one person had this same idiotic idea?

        5 days ago

        I vaguely remember that one of the articles talking about the physics forum mentioned it happening elsewhere, but I haven’t dug into it myself. it might just be one or two shitty admins doing this, but I suspect (without evidence, I just can’t think of another reason to do it) there’s some party offering a financial incentive for them to go back and fuck up their old forums