You are all getting portable incineration in car free of charge and you complain?! Some people are impossible to please!
there are more teslas than there are pintos?
That seems like a safe bet to me.
Yep, I can’t use this statistic for anything if it can’t compare to totals. I’m assuming that teslas, as a whole brand, outnumbers ford pinto, a single model, by at least 10x.
Later studies found that pintos were not particularly more likely to explode than other cars of the same form factor from that era. Turns out, plenty of other manufacturers cut costs by placing the fuel tanks in the rear bumper. And either way there’s plenty of other things you should be more concerned about in deathtraps from that era, such as the steering column impaling you if the front of your car collides with anything, or the roof caving in if your car is ever upside-down.
What did Ford in was the Pinto Memo. Evil corpo pro-tip: Doing clownishly evil napkin math on the relative costs of lawsuits vs a cheap fix is fine, just don’t be so dumb as to write it down where a hungry journalist might find it.
Anyway are teslas better or worse than the pinto or comparable modern cars? Who fucking cares, if people actually cared about car safety they would all be lobbying to ban cars within cities and Tesla "F"SD would be illegal everywhere. Anyway it seems that the Swasticar branding is doing more damage to Tesla’s reputation than any amount of ludicrous safety and manufacturing issues ever did.
Fatal Self Driving
Because the percentages are less than the qty. The denominator is larger and the percentage is technically lower.
Idk I’m just talking out my ass but it sounds like it could math.
Quick eyeball of Tesla figures shows about 5mil sold over all models. Ford Pinto sold about 3mil. So the percentages are pretty close with Tesla deaths nearly quadruple Pinto deaths. And the truck hasn’t been out long so who know how many that will kill in accidents given its construction.
It is this. Everyone seems to have forgotten the Ford Exploder and all the rollover accidents well above the industry average as well.
Tesla vehicle owner detected.
Yeah, but not for much longer. I’ve had my Model 3 for 7 years, well before Elon went full public Nazi, and when there were almost no similar alternatives for less than $80k.
Just Blbeing anti-Tesla just because it’s the thing you do now is stupid. Facts are facts. Fascists aren’t the only ones that like to ignore inconvenient facts.
Acting like the hundreds of thousands of existing Tesla owners are the same as people currently buying just makes you look like a dipshit.
Acting like the hundreds of thousands of existing Tesla owners are the same as people currently buying just makes you look like a dipshit.
You sound a bit defensive here.
I wasn’t suggesting anything beyond the strong coping signal I saw with you defending the safety of a vehicle in the face of data.
You make it sound like I called you a musk fanboi so if we want to talk about things people do to make themselves look like dipshits, your post is a top contender.
You make it sound like I called you a musk fanboi
That’s exactly how your previous sentence came across, especially given the anti-Tesla sentiment. You can’t honestly be trying to claim otherwise while being in the comment section of social media like Lemmy talking about Tesla.
If only that was true, but it isn’t. They’re about even, and even if they where behind on %, it should have been a pretty big case as we’re supposed to have learned and be more vigilant
If we had learned, we wouldn’t be where we are.
we’re supposed to have learned and be more vigilant
There is a regular ICE car fire every 3 minutes in the US, even after the changes made in vehicle design. But no one likes to talk about that fact. It’s normal and you don’t get to feel superior on the internet for making a snarky reply making fun of a billionaire who doesn’t know you exist or care about what you think.
Yes! Musk makes these cars. As the great engineer he is he hand built the original tesla using old tools he inherited from his father. I get to feel as superior as i want. The rules set out for plebs like you dont work on me.
Went to check the numbers and this site says the total number of Tesla deaths is higher(although not specifically from fires)
I think the takeaway from that site is that the self driving deaths really aren’t that far behind the deaths from Tesla fires.
I don’t doubt that model Ys catch fire sometimes but the pic on the right looks like AI to me.
Yeah, that fire would be coming from the front storage space.
Looks like there’s fire in the back too but the smoke is only coming from the side.
She’s a 21st century pinto, oh yeah!
A 21st century pinto, oh yeah!
I dunno, I’ve heard a lot of jokes about Teslas exploding
They sure do seem to have a tendency to spontaneously combust.
Yall so worried about this tesla shit. Yall are so ficking edgy. Yall are absorbed with the cult of personality.
Elon ain’t nothing to spend so much emotional energy on. It’s you guys who make him into something he’s not. Take some breaths.
He’s destroying our country bro
Who told you that?
Elon ain’t nothing to spend so much emotional energy on. It’s you guys who make him into something he’s not.
You mean he’s not an unfathomably rich tech bro oligarch currently running the US government with a Cheeto, destabilizing nations, and selling a brand of poorly built swasticars that kill people that would’ve otherwise lived while also monitoring me having sex with your wife’s boyfriend in the backseat?
Geez, yall just eat this stuff up and regurgitate it right back. One might expect kickbacks for pushing another’s agenda like this, but alas, there are plenty of rubes on the internet that do it for free.
Different times, different causes, and different ratios of incidents to total cars. I hate Musk, think any potential for Teslas has declined heavily in quality, and lots of mistakes have been made in its development. But this kind of comparison is a definite apples and oranges. Plus grouping every incident under “blows up” and the cause of death is a bit much. How many of those were due to drivers? How many Teslas that did have some fire warned their driver to pull over and save them, vs. a Pinto that…would just catch fire and couldn’t possibly do that.
I mean be fair if you’re going to be critical. There is plenty to be critical about, especially with the disaster known as the Cybertruck. Plus the last part…if no one is hearing about it, then why is it a damn meme at this point, and unjustified because while Tesla fires are a nasty thing to put out, there are still far more ICE fires, and THEY only get a side note in the local news, if that.
So much missing of the point and defending going on here
Apples and Oranges. One car killed people, the other killed other people in other ways. Totally different.
A meme is only as good as what goes into it. And yes, I’ll defend the facts over a silly meme that bends them to make it work.
Did I go overboard for just a meme, yeah, probably. I stand by what I said though, from a point of view of reality.
The fact is that cars should have gotten safer but not all have and you’re here trying to say on some technicality that it’s ok. But you don’t even have facts to back that up
I never said anything like that, but if that’s your perception of it, then so be it.
If you want a commonality of the two situations separated by 50 years, both car companies in their own ways have tried to rationalize the problems to downplay them, because in all that time it’s still cheaper to pay settlements and fines than to fix the core problems. That is true beyond the car industry.
The meme actually makes a good point but you can reject it if you want