Synopsis: Dusk and Enjoiner Rue learn Demerzel’s origin and true purpose. Tellem’s plans for Gaal take a dark turn. On Terminus, Day confronts Dr. Seldon.

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  • chase_what_matters@lemmy.worldOPM
    1 year ago

    I wonder if he inferred when he hologram’d at the palace generations later and saw Dem unchanged? Or perhaps he just had the right history books…

    I knew as soon as his ship veered toward the planet that it’d go that way, a terrible choice Bel would be forced to make. But I was kind of holding out for love to conquer… because I’m a sap.

    • lazyvar
      1 year ago

      That makes sense, there wouldn’t be many other ways she’d still look the same. The other way would be if she’d also be cloned.

      He also seemed to have figured out that she’s the puppet master, given how often he directly addressed her instead of Day.

      Edit: Listening to the podcast of this episode and the show runner said around the 27m mark: “I will say this, and it’s… I’m not sorta betraying anything because it’s in the text of the scene, but Harri mentions her programming right? And so he obviously knows she’s a robot, so it seems like he knows a fair amount about her sorta backstory or her circumstances, which is interesting because we’ve not seen how he knows that. I’ll just plant that little seed.”

      As for Bel, I was sure he’d choose to rebel at that point, especially since they’ve talked about that and it didn’t seem like Day had put his aura back on after taking it off before entering the vault.