This is pure misinformation/propaganda that won’t be removed, I’d bet money on it. Join the boycott of today! No posts, comments or upvotes on the .ml instance comms!
I tried to check their profile to see if the post is still up, and when I didn’t find it I had hope.
I soon remembered that I blocked the community because I was banned for being pro-Ukraine, and that post is indeed still up.
Probably forgot the /s
Invading with one hundred fourty-two thousand troops, that’s not really a war it’s just
a prank broa negotiating tactic. I’m sure most countries would simply laugh it off.Just a prank, really.
142,000 troops
Dunno what these guys are smoking but I want some. It must get your brain good and fucked up.
This same person thinks that the only troops that EU countries are actually capable of deploying are the combined EU Battlegroups, I think they’re just allergic to numbers whenever military topics come up
Sorry man, world war 1/2 troop numbers or nothing at all. Your choice.
Lol from time to time I think about that early Q TNG episode where Q puts humanity on trial (the first time) and one of his “exhibits” was when “humanity controlled their militaries with drugs”
I laughed it off years ago as a “yea right, like that’ll happen” now…I’m not so sure lolol
I mean, a lot of places have a history, and/or are currently still doing, of drug use within their military. All sorts of amphetamines have been used in a lot of places in military operations. There is also a lot of opiate use too. Probably all sorts of things we don’t know about, yet.
It is, or at least i used to be, common practice to give strong stimulant drugs to pilots to keep them up for very long flight orders.
The guy mugging me in the back alley had a gun to my head not to kill me, but to persuade me to give him my wallet.
I instance blocked months ago
Excellent! Lol just FYI though for you and anyone else who see, instance blocks should be more thought of as a mute rather than an actual block, .ml users can still see your posts and comments and interact with them (i.e. downvote brigade, talk shit) you just won’t be able to see it
If you want to have a bit of fun and get an instance block that actually works you should try speed running a site ban LMAO
This has always been my go-to strategy for exactly that reason.
Blocking .ml:
- Cowardly
- Lets them continue to talk shit on any of your comments that they want, you just can’t see it
- You have to do the work
Letting .ml block you for not adhering to the narrative:
- Fun until they block you (for certain definitions of “fun” I guess)
- Stops them talking shit on any of your comments
- They have to do the work
- Quiet sense of victory (“I’m doing my part!”)
I am actually not blocked from .ml that I know of, although my server is defederated from Hexbear.
I am actually not blocked from .ml that I know of
I was…for 2 months, for 2 glorious months I could post what I want without interference.
Then one of my memes the other week must’ve got to davel because within like an hour of it being posted they un-site-banned me and then manually banned me from like only the top 10 or 15 comms lololol
I am banned on ! for criticizing a Venezuelan government news site, I said something like “this sounds like straight out of maduros ass” lol.
It’s alright that I only block the communities, some ml user are decent / don’t know where they registered. However I see a decent portion of tankies spill over to the news communities…
some ml user are decent / don’t know where they registered.
Yea, that’s one reason I don’t mute them myself, I try to steer those users away by showing them this comm. If you want to help, you need to give them this kind of link that routes through another instance because (the irony) they censor their users from seeing it:
Same. Immediate QOL improvement.
I actually didn’t want to, because you shouldn’t shit onto an entire instance because of some of their users, but the mods are into it. When your news community is moderated by people getting hard at lies and propaganda, your entire instance is worthless.
Better late than never I guess. I hope those not afflicted by brain rot make it out of there before it’s too late.
It was a diplomatic movement of troops into the country and the troops fired negociation bullets at the population. And all that was preceded by a wave of friendship bombs, mutual understanding missiles and affectionate cyberattacks.
And they were rushing towards the capital just so they could have a hug.
Send a small diplomatic force to their house, I’m sure they wouldn’t mind.
Yeah I think estimates by the US state Department show it was closer to a 190,000 invading force, not 142,000. I think the USMC determined like 600,000 would have been required if Russia had intended to fully occupy Ukraine.
I think the USMC determined like 600,000 would have been required if Russia had intended to fully occupy Ukraine.
Of course, they ‘only’ intended to remove the democratically elected government and occupy Ukraine with the help of a Vichy regime, much better. How many Russian troops are dedicated to the Ukrainian War right now, btw?
I think it’s doubled every year? I think 700k active by all accounts? With the Ukrainian army as mobilized and supplied as they are this far into the war, the calculation would require a force of something ridiculous like 2.4 million to achieve 3:1 ratio for an occupying invasion force.
Invasion persuasion.
We’re going to negotiate for you giving us your shit or we kill you.
Why do you need to boycott instances? Are you out of words or fingers?
A better idea is to let people know what they are saying, bring it out in the open. Thats how you deal with it, not by trying to ban opinions or misinformation.
Mate, we’re here for fun. You’re making someone do homework.
Not everyone uses social media just for entertainment. For some its a way to take in the perspective of others and learn something also. :)
That’s bullshit and you know it
No I dont. Im not a teenager anymore :) Your view on life changes when you grow up.
With a username like that, I’m sure this comment is in good faith.
Damn, I knew i should have picked something like MrGeorgeSmith if I wanted to be taken seriously.
Why do you need to boycott instances?
To reduce their power and influence and encourage more “decentralized” postings. A big reason why other instances defed from the rest of the Triad but not .ml is because “some of the biggest comms are on there”. It should be up to the instance admins and the community under them to decide who and when to defederate and they shouldnt be “forced” to maintain federation with a toxic instance just because big comms and traffic is on there
.ml is also a problem because it’s the admins and mods enforcing a certain narrative, we’re not talking about an instance that just isn’t taking care of rouge users or something
A better idea is to let people know what they are saying, bring it out in the open
That’s what this comm is for, multiple approaches can be taken at a time
not by trying to ban opinions or misinformation.
“A lie crosses the globe while the truth is getting its shoes on”, you wouldn’t be saying the same thing I bet if there was a literal Nazi instance trying to spread their “opinions”
Opinions are fine if you’re allowed to criticize them as well, but .ml does not allow that. It’s also good to ban actual toxic misinformation and propaganda.
What makes you think these people haven’t already heard every argument against their behavior, and stick to it anyway? This is generally the case. When tankies say stuff like this they are regularly argued with, their logic challenged, their “facts” challenged. If it happens on their turf they remove comments, and ban people, if it doesn’t they just argue until the other person realizes they are, effectively, talking to a rock, or until the tankie tires, or hits a wall they can’t make an argument to get past, and they stop. You see the same names, over and over. They are evangelicals for authoritarian communism, and campist, blind, support for anything, as long as it is in opposition to western countries. The most blatant acts of imperialism are currently being executed by russia, yet they claim these are self defense, diplomatic measures, acts of desperate necessity, anything other than admitting they are just exercising imperial hard power, and trying to annex as much of neighboring countries as they can.