Tonight, I attended a talk on neuroscience and brain research, and there were a lot of interesting links between memories, behavior, and mental health. So I’m doing my own little version of that in this thread. What song do you associate with happy memories, even if it’s just a general feeling of happiness? Can you recall one of your oldest ones?

Go your own way, by Fleetwood Mac makes me think of fun car trips with my parents, roughly around 6-8 years old. Nothing terribly specific, though I do associate it closely with one of the city highway on ramps used to go visit relatives, go skiing, or get to the airport. :)

    4 days ago

    Yes, a few songs from bands I’m not really that into, but great memories when I hear them.

    Pinch Me by Bare Naked Ladies reminds me of sitting around in my friends room whilst he downloaded songs on Napster.

    Every You Every Me by Placebo reminds me of a particular girls bedroom back in high school and the way she used to spray her deodorant everywhere before I visited.

    Smells Like Teen Spirit just generally reminds me of old high school friends, the three of us - a punker, a metal head, and… all I can really say is, he liked the Prodigy… but we could all agree on putting on Nirvana and having a good time.