Incoming Executive Order:
“Measure for the United States to Keep Avoiding Insurance Debt” (M.U.S.K.A.I.D) which forces car insurance companies to discount Teslas.Heh. Clever
Those things spontaneously burst into flames. I’m concerned to even be near one on the road.
The panels falling off and hubcaps flying off seem like a decent reason to avoid the cybertrucks at least
What? Are you making a joke?
Tesla made the joke, I’m just repeating it. Please, don’t shoot the messenger.
No, wasn’t upset or anything, just didn’t get the joke and didn’t know what I was missing
Good, fuck Teslas
Got one to glitch out today when it ran a red. The drivers reaction made my day.
How to not get fucked on car insurance:
Just get better at life
Clearly you have never delt with an insurance company before