The frame, sure. That’s only half the gun though. You need your chamber and barrel to be forged steel, unless I missed some majorly significant news in 3D printing tech (which is possible).
Yeah, you definitely can’t 3D print those parts. You can manufacture them yourself, but its much more difficult than 3D printing so most people just buy them since they’re not serialized parts.
100% false. Its not going to be as good as OEM but 3D printed Glock frames can last thousands of rounds with the right materials.
The frame, sure. That’s only half the gun though. You need your chamber and barrel to be forged steel, unless I missed some majorly significant news in 3D printing tech (which is possible).
Yeah, you definitely can’t 3D print those parts. You can manufacture them yourself, but its much more difficult than 3D printing so most people just buy them since they’re not serialized parts.
Wow, yep you’re right. I was completely wrong. That is actually pretty impressive
3D printing tech has come a LONG way.
You’re got me curious now hah. Got any recommendations for material to use for printing?
Oh, I’m not the person to ask that 😂 I don’t have my own setup yet, I’ve just been watching from the sidelines all the cool shit people are making