Typing into a little box and quietly erasing it all just doesn’t scratch that same itch, y’know?
i did look for one
and didn’t find one, but i did find a desktop shark
Reminds me back of in 2008, when thinkgeek was good. On april fools they released the “shrinter”, that prints and shreds at the same time.
Damn I miss old thinkgeek. I grabbed some awesome stuff from there over the years. Never found its equal. Have a butterfly in a jar on the dresser right now from there.
I just write on my rolling papers…
Make sure you use iron gall ink! Inhale the burnt residue from only the best stuff.
1¼ thought at a time.
Not if you write at ¼ scale.
i have this one and its pretty satisfying https://muji.ca/products/manual-paper-shredder
Huh, that’s cool! Thanks!
p.s. I meant a digital widget/thing, but it’s cool to know this tool exists!