3 years ago I needed a new computer and decided on an 16 inch M1 Macbook Pro, but did lots of overthinking about if I wanted to stick to it. I tried Asahi Linux didn’t have any reasons at the time to use linux over macOS (but there was always the chance I might later), the build quality is 2nd to none, none of my Windows laptops lasted more than a few years.
3 years later, I’ve really been itching to switch to Linux. Two of several reasons: because its DEs are more customizable, it has better documented accessibility APIs if you want to make keyboard navigation software. I reinstalled Asahi Linux and really tried to make it my daily driver, but the lacks of apps would require me to dual boot: Photoshop and Roblox.
I researching again for computers closest to Macbook Pros but none of them come close to its build quality. I think it would be best for me to make my own desktop PC for linux. I don’t think I’d fare well with another windows laptop brand.
I really don’t understand why people bother with Adobe products. I’ve been using Gimp for like 20 years and it’s never been lacking. I’ve never once thought about re-pirating Photoshop.
Garageband on the other hand… I would kill for a linux equivalent.
Text on GIMP absolutely blows. I have way less issues working with DDS files on PS compared to GIMP. I also used to have issues with fuzzy select but that may have been a skill issue on my part.
(I haven’t gotten a chance to work with 3.0)
Text is better. Not perfect. Better.
Reaper runs on Linux. It doesn’t come with libraries for sound though if that is what you use garage band for.
I agree, but have you tried traction waveform? Closest option I think but not as polished or accessible.