My partner is currently job hunting and I’ve got to know some very ugly behaviours from interviewers and train staff, towards the people applying for those jobs.
From snarky attitudes, to blattant lies and attempts on trying to withold information or ignore legal impositions and rights, these companies are power tripping and the people in them are deranged.
Well, I happen to have a job and am fairly aware of my rights, so I’m considering applying for these interviews and throw some poison back at this people.
Fun idea to throw around, but probably a terrible idea in practice. If they work out who you really are, you could find yourself jobless and blacklisted. Knowing your rights won’t help much after that.
I’m employed in a sector with zero contact with callcenters, which is most what I’ve been seeing as the worst offenders. Besides that, my country has a regulation that forces all data on applicants to be destroyed after 12 months. And to top this off, most of these companies don’t retain people long enough to create memory.
HR people get around, and can easily switch industries. If you do enough “damage”, you will be remembered. If you dont do enough damage to be remembered, are you really achieving anything worthwhile?
Your risk to take obviously, stay safe.
Most of the people landing in these companies are damaged goods. I’m a monster to think as I do but my intention is to exploit frailties and leave scars and expose bad practices to the national work conditions authority. I don’t intend to jump into another industry; I’m approaching tenure where I am currently and intend to take it.
who says they have to apply with their real name? you can apply for jobs without compromising opsec
Applying with a fake name is obvious, but it only takes one slip up.
I truly wonder what’s the purpose of that behaviour though. Kill every last bit of motivation pre-job? I remember a time, when the hiring process wasn’t pure vitriol. Are these HR people so fed up with their jobs or what’s going on?
Currently, here, I think it is a dangerous mix of having an influx of immigrants, that are deemed expendable/low value, paired with an obcession of pushing people into submission, so they just take whatever is thrown at them.
I’ve listened to a couple of interviews on my partner and the recruiters were borderline abusive.