Thirty seconds before some troll starts commentary about politics, women, and/or minorities on such a chat.
Fifty seconds before fistfights.
And the trolling is a whole lot harder to ignore when the loud guys in white bed sheets are literally in the theater with you.
I’ve been to Conferences have done this. Presenter, with a live chat behind them.
When you buy a ticket, you get an account and access into the conf site and chat portal. And Dickheads are quickly identified and reprimanded.
Those tickets cost a lot more than a movie ticket
Harder to be an asshole when there’s a pretty short list of suspects that could be doing it, depending on the showtime
Any coward who uses Twitter in the year 2024 is a traitor and a collaborator.
Oh no the date formatting! I can’t tell if this is the 24th of August 2024 or 2024 on August 24th! What am I to do!?
At least we know it’s august
Sounds like an interesting business idea. It could seriously pull a lot of younger audience without putting a lot of effort into anything.
Biggest problem I could see with this as a business idea is that IP owners might be hesitant to have their movies shown in places where everyone is expected to have a recording device out.
Otherwise it seems like an actually great idea.
Seems like the kind of thing where enthusiasm/attendance might fall off sharply with the novelty of the thing. Of course you could just transition it back into a regular cinema if that happened.
Make it a place where teenagers can get away from their parents for little to no money
Honestly if it keeps the brainrot addicts who can’t sit through a movie without scrolling through Minecraft parkour videos in one place so I can go and watch them without bright screens in thr dark microwaving my eyeballs, I’m all for it.
My wife and I used to go to movie theaters quite often and screens have hardly been an issue. Talking and smells have been way further up the list of common annoyances.
I did this with my friends during covid and it came to be the best part of my week.
It’s the only way to see horror movies IMHO.
You can sort of emulate this behavior using a VR headset and using that Big screen app that puts you in a virtual theatre with others and people can talk and throw popcorn at the screen etc. You can find all sorts of movies playing on it that you can randomly join
I am so happy my local cinema is deep down in a basement without any mobile reception. People try to access Tiktok and just give up.
I have never wanted to burn down a full theater more than I do now.
You can see the disappointment in his eyes.
Baby Shark needs to be playing in the background. It’s always playing on one of the many speakers, but which speaker it is - and what volume - changes every couple of seconds.
Why must you do this to me
Baby sha-a-a-ark baby sha-a-a-ark
There’s a separate twitch stream watching these people and they vote on that every time the song plays. Max volume on all speakers if the stream is dead.
It’s all fun and games until someone gets the rest of the theatre to think of The Game. That’s why this isn’t a thing in person, the chances of shitpost-related violence is too high.
sigh … I just lost the game.
In the theater, you can just talk to everyone in the room
You’re not supposed to talk during the movie tho
Oh yeah, and who’s gonna arrest me? The talk police?
Neither are you supposed to use your smartphone
Except nobody is funny
So exactly like MST3K then, got it
Also no puppets :(
This sounds like hell, the movie experience is already awful.
That’s the idea, then people who want to see the movie they paid for can go to the non-brainrot theatre.
Personally, I would like a Japanese karoke-style room system for the theater. Sit back, relax, and watch the video in peace. Order snacks and drinks for delivery, and maybe snuggle up with your partner. No children, just you and a time away from life.