Silent Hill f has been refused classification in Australia.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications, and the Arts’ Classification Board (IARC) has not detailed why, exactly, the horror has been denied release, but simply invites people to contact the organisation if they want more information (so I have - I’ll update as/when I hear back).
FFS why did we introduce the over-18 category a decade ago if they’re still gonna pull this shit?
Step one: Submit a bunch of bullshit answers to the classifications request form.
Step two: Trigger some algorithm that initially refuses classification.
Step three: Press release saying your game was banned in Australia.
Step four: Free Press!!
Step five: Get your classification when a human gets around to your title and have far higher interest in your game because of the press.This whole episode fails the sniff test. I think Konami did this on purpose to intentionally rustle your jimmies.
I personally would love to know why I’ll need to illegally source this game. It looks sick and Silent Hill is pure magic.
Too scary, I couldn’t check it for content. I didn’t want to get nightmares.
OFLC have pulled the page listing it as RC.
The pulled page indicates it was an IARC classification i.e. it was automatically classified based an Konami’s answers to a generic survey distributed to classification boards globally. If Konami contest the automatic classification then it will be looked at by actual humans who may determine that offensive content is contextualized to a degree that it can be released (or failing that give a list of content that needs to be modified).
Does anyone know of any game streamers who only stream the game they are playing and nothing else? No speaking or commentary, no video of themselves or their avatar, no chatbox etc? Just the game in full screen. Ta.
Not a streamer, but MKIceandFire does long-form YouTube that fits the rest of the criteria. He also publishes new videos at what can only be described as a frightening pace, especially for hotly anticipated games right after release, in case your preference for streamers was due to anticipated volume per session.
Actually what you suggest is what I’m after, not streaming. Thanks.
Well, do you want your children playing that and getting nightmares?
Our 18+ year old children will surely be scarred by this experience.
Please tell me you’re being sarcastic?
Doot for update