I just got a gloom club and it says something about wearing down twh weilder. What does that mean?

  • @KindaABigDyl
    41 year ago

    It scales damage based on how many hearts you have, and when you use it, it takes those away like touching gloom.

    Gloom weapons are really great once you start getting up there in hearts.

  • Mika
    31 year ago

    When you use it, it starts taking away hearts like getting hit with gloom, one heart at a time.

      • Mika
        21 year ago

        Yeah I’m not a fan of using the drops outside of the demon king’s bow (increases power the higher number of max hearts you have)

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Exactly what others have said regarding dropping hearts.

    They’re really good to use in the overworld actually, since your hearts will just regen right away (although they’ll be empty/need healing.)

    The bow weirdly enough is the opposite, it just does more damage the more heart slots you have, with no other downsides