Nintendo Wii: Sold like gangbusters.

64bit Processors: The computing standard.

Battlestar Galactica: Considered one of the greatest sci-fi series of all time.

Facebook: Continues to be the world’s leading social media platform by literally BILLIONS of users.

High Definition: HD only got even more HD.

iPhone: Set the standard for mobile smartphone form factor and function to this day 16 years later.

    2 years ago

    The first iPhone was an amazing product in its time, but at the same time it had so many caveats. The two biggest ones were the fact that it didn’t support 3G (the iPhone wouldn’t support 3G until the aptly named iPhone 3G released) and the fact that the phone was an AT&T exclusive (Apple didn’t drop the carrier exclusive situation until 2011). There’s also a few other issues I can’t think of at the time, but the first iPhone was no perfect device.