9/15/2023 Estimated DRS count: 75,521,650 ((using today’s DRSbot total + fix inadvertent DRSbot offline or resets) x 4.175)

The 4.175 multiplier comes from 8/31/2023 Form 10-Q divided by DRSbot 8/31/2023 total: 75,400,000 / 18,059,540 = 4.175

Bloomberg data (to 9/11/2023), DRS estimated counts, and other:

Holding Number of shares As of
ETFs 29,138,064 9/8/2023
MFs, Index Funds, Pension Funds, etc 33,999,059 9/8/2023
Other Institutional Ownership 32,373,815 9/8/2023
Insiders 38,540,578 9/11/2023
Insiders Stagnant 14,339,510 9/8/2023
DRS 200k Computershare accounts 75,521,650 9/15/2023
DRS 200k accounts 25% stuck in IRA 18,880,413 9/15/2023
Other 62,448,205 9/15/2023
  • Total Outstanding on 8/31/2023: 305,241,294
  • Free float on 9/13/2023: 156,850,268
  • Thank you to lawsondt for the Bloomberg data to 9/8/2023.
  • Added Larry +6000 and Alain +15000 to Insiders number on 9/11/2023.
  • “DRS 200k accounts 25% stuck in IRA” is a conservative percentage. The Google share count surveys have suggested the 200k Computershare accounts have 30-40% additional shares stuck in IRAs.
  • Mojojojo1993@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think just the standard definition. Not moving. Slowly to a crawl. Did the needle move at all on last share meeting?

    So should be just under 2 million a year ? Are DRS numbers ticking towards that ?

    But do we as shareholders know where that actually comes from ? If the float is locked then there shouldn’t really be any shares to pick up. Obviously there’s institutes and regular investor’s that can sell.

    Is there any way to tell if these shares are loaned or actually bought ? Does RC and suck DRS ?

    Ah so they are diluting the shares a bit with a few million shares being available then.

    Good to know. I’m not on Reddit anymore so I barely see anything about gme. Not much seems to be happening since all the commotion.

    Shame, could have potentially changed the world but seems to be fizzling out. Maybe something will jumpstart it again. Was hoping China, evergrande building collapse might cause a ripple.