A replacement for Port Olisar
I’ll miss Port Olisar, my first time playing I spawned there. And I remember how confused I was back then, haha.
But Seraphim Station looks great from the outside, and the new interior is more future proof. Which is important for the bigger stations.
A replacement for Port Olisar
I’m not a fan of the uninspired design of Sera, but I get that PO as it stands has to change.
I still remember the first time I logged in and explored the station. Checking every alcove and being amazed at the level of detail.
I hope the new station does it justice. It’s likely to become a home to a lot of players, with it’s proximity to Yela and Daymar.
It’ll become my new home. I used to stay at CRU L1, then Orison when it became closer to the stars. It would have been PO if it had a medical station!