The sources on wikipedia say it was Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer. He noticed a Mr. Goodbar candy bar he had in his pocket started to melt from microwaves from an active radar set he was working on. The first food deliberately cooked was popcorn, and the second was an egg, which exploded.
The sources on wikipedia say it was Percy Spencer, an American self-taught engineer. He noticed a Mr. Goodbar candy bar he had in his pocket started to melt from microwaves from an active radar set he was working on. The first food deliberately cooked was popcorn, and the second was an egg, which exploded.
Here are the direct sources:
If you have a link to the hamster experiment I would love to read more. I might dive into a microwave research hole today! lol
Video has links to references and actual interview with the scientist.
It wasn’t sold or marketed, but it was a microwave.
Very cool! I’ll check it out! Thanks