people with reason to back the nfl always have at least a little bit of a case to scream about ACHSKULLY THE REFS ARE FINE

sunday was annoying and lame but not the worst. but still annoying to end the game on an overturn there, when we’ve seen way clearer calls stand

the rams literally got the SB handed to them over the bengals on that 3rd down holding call, for example…

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    Sept 24, 2017. Falcons vs Lions. The ten second runoff. For those that don’t know, the Lions were driving for the win, when Golden Tate caught a ball from Matt Stafford and dove into the end zone for the win. The Lions assumed he was short, so Stafford had them all lined up to snap the next play, BUT all TDs are automatically reviewed. So they reviewed it and called it short. Then they invoked the 10 second runoff rule to end the game. The 10 second run off rule is to make sure the offense doesn’t fake injuries or game the clock to get an extra timeout. It was never meant to cover a stoppage initiated by the referees. But fuck it, it is the Lions and no one outside Detroit would care, and it is hardly the first time referees made up rules or rule interpretations on the spot to screw over the Lions. (Calvin Johnson rule, which wasn’t a rule in the NFL until two and a half years AFTER the catch/no catch).

    I had to stop watching for a few weeks.

    • @[email protected]
      31 year ago

      The lions have been fucked so many times by the refs, it’s hard to keep track. Seems like every time I’ve watched one of their games, a questionable (at best) call goes against them

      • @[email protected]
        31 year ago

        Yeah, it’s a common thing for pretty much any NFC North team except the Packers. Not gonna lie, that one famous time the Pack did get jobbed by the replacement refs it was hard for me to feel bad for them because they get favored so often otherwise, to their obvious benefit and the detriment of the other three NFCN teams.

    • @[email protected]
      51 year ago

      I think this is why Pats fans are so butthurt over the last call on Sunday night, because they’ve had about 2 decades of calls going their way, and now they can’t fathom a world where that’s not the case.

      • @[email protected]
        01 year ago

        Pats, Packers, Cowboys are the league darlings and get as much ref help as they can, everyone else doesn’t matter to them.

  • @coltorl
    61 year ago

    I’ve never felt there has been a single call bad enough for me to stop watching. It’s consistent calls that are BS that make me stop watching. This is more apparent in baseball whenever Angel Hernandez is home base ump.

  • TubeTalkerX
    51 year ago

    I stopped watching when they screwed the Saints against the Rams in 2018 Playoffs. I watch highlights the next day now, never a full game.

  • @[email protected]
    51 year ago

    I have to remind myself that I watch this for entertainment. If it’s not enjoyable I need to turn it off and walk away. I’ve had lots of practice over the years as a Lions fan. I tend to turn it off when it becomes a shitshow.

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Seahawks fan here, I’ll never forget a Superbowl was stolen from us by the refs. It’s a massive bummer to think about that game and the apologies from the head ref years later confirming what I already knew.

    But I just try and remember that it’s part of the game. Just like an ump with an off strike zone, you just hope that it’s consistent on both teams.

    I don’t think the refs pick sides but I do think they can’t help but see differences when it comes to colors. Some teams will get a natural advantage and disadvantage because of the colors on their uniforms.