I’m a full stack web dev that uses Node on the server-side. When I see job postings for a NodeJS developer I’m not really quite sure what that means.

Node is just javascript + a standard library/API + an ecosystem.

When someone is looking for a Node developer, are they just wanting someone who knows the ins and outs of the standard library?

  • @TheCee
    8 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @lysdexicM
    19 months ago

    When I see job postings for a NodeJS developer I’m not really quite sure what that means.

    Node.js is a bit more than JavaScript calling a standard API. The job of developing an application expected to run on Node.js involves a few domain-specific skills that differ from running JavaScript in a browser.

    For example, if you’re developing web services then you have to run classes of tests that aren’t applicable to frontend applications, such as integration and load tests.

    The task of deploying a Node.js application is also completely different than the typical frontend workflow.

    Also, once you’re experienced in developing applications with Node.js, you’ll start to adopt dependencies and tools that you wouldn’t have if you were going to stick with frontend development. On top of that, things like caniuse no longer apply to you.

    When someone is looking for a Node developer, are they just wanting someone who knows the ins and outs of the standard library?

    Each employer has their hiring criteria, but the common theme is that they are looking for someone hitting the floor running instead of someone who would need to go through the process of reinventing the wheel.

    The cynical in me also believes this is a reflection of handing out the recruiting process to recruiters whose skillsets starts and ends at reading tags in a CV. They are handed a task of finding applicants to positions that require working with Node.js, and they need to sift through countless candidates to figure out who to reach out to. Among that subset, they want to minimize the time they spend searching for a candidate until they get a winner. Consequently, they add a tag to their search query and automatically eliminate everyone who doesn’t present themselves as being a valid candidatem