I wanted to experiment with a better pinky column, as for me using the bottom row with the pinky felt awkward and sometimes painful. Thus I created an alt version of my arkenswoop (swoop based), and named it the altenswoop because my brain thinks it is very original and funny. It will take some getting used to, and I’ll need to get batteries for this prototype too!

Is there a proper name for this kind of pinky formation? I’ve seen this elsewhere too, and I’m calling it pinky cluster in reference to the thumb cluster but it doesn’t feel right

Edit: I forgot to add a link to the PCB files: https://github.com/SuperFola/arkenswoop (under pcbs/3x5_nw_pinky_cluster)

  • Necromnomicon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I think the idea is, that is supposed to be the top pinkie key, some people find moving laterally is more comfortable than stretching upward?

    • SuperFolaOP
      1 year ago

      Exactly, I tried this configuration on paper and then on a Cantor (42 keys, 6 columns) and this felt better for me and a friend than reaching down.